There is a lot of advice out there for people who drive for Uber and other Rideshare companies, and we have a few favourites that we suggest to our community of Mode rideshare drivers.
It is always worth keeping on top of the latest tips and up to date with changes to the driver app so that you are in the best situation possible for earning good money as an Uber driver. Doing your homework by following websites (most of these allow you to subscribe to them!) means you are placed to earn as much as possible as a driver.
Here are some of our recommendations:
The Uber NZ Newsroom
Be in the know as soon as Uber makes announcements by keeping an eye on the Uber NZ newsoom.
There are some great subreddits for New Zealand drivers where you can learn tips and keep up to date with information being passed on from other drivers. Join up and join the conversation!
Being up to date with events helps you to plan where and when to be out finding passengers. You can subscribe to receive events to your inbox so you are always in the know and ready to earn.
Be smart about the way you drive by keeping on top of the newest changes to the way pricing works across all rideshare platforms by watching the Forums on this website and learning as you go. You can even ask questions here and get really helpful responses.
Remember, we want you to succeed as much as you do - chat to us anytime for advice and tips for making the most of your Mode Rideshare car hire or car purchase.
We are proud of our Mode community and want to support you the best way we can.
Send us your top websites as well, we’d love to know what they are!