Finding The Right Provider is Your Key to Success.

I got to chatting with one of our new drivers this past week. Let’s call him John.

John had been driving Uber, using a sole operator for his car lease – someone who had an extra car and gave John a very cheap rate.

Yes, they are out there.

The problem is, there just is so little support. Of course the car ended up having mechanical problems and while they were sorting those out, our driver John was sitting at home – no car, no money and it took more than a week before the car was ready to go.

John went for a different solution by the end of that week – he came to us. Yes, we are slightly more expensive than a rogue operator but we help get you on the road, and make sure that you can stay there. We do the insurance, maintenance and all the paperwork to keep the car on the road.

Why? We understand that if you are not moving you are not earning. If you are done with cowboys, and are serious about earning, give us a call on 0800 663 374.